Tuesday, November 30, 2010

January Class Schedule

January 15, 2011 10-1pm Snow Fun Layout
January 15, 2011 2:30-5:30 Pop up Layout
January 15, 2011 6-9 Intro to the "Imagine"
January 22, 2011 10-1pm Etched glass and Love Banner
January 22, 2011 6-8 pm Gypsy Advanced
January 29, 2011 10-1pm Birthday Bash Framed Layout
January 29, 2011 2:30-5:30 Winter Fun Layout

See store for project samples and class availability

Friday, November 26, 2010

Walmart was nuts but I got my Lites!

I was out all night starting at Walmart at 10 waiting for the lites to go on sale. I got them and Jolly Holidays and Twinkle Toes are cuter than I had expected. I talked lots of people in line into coming toACMoore to get their expression bundles and full carts and they did! I finished all of my shopping for the holidays so now I can just craft December away. I hope you all had as much success as I did.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Cricut Imagine Demo December 5th 8-10pm

Hi there I will be demoing the Cricut Imagine machine at ACMoore in Frederick MD on December 5 from 8-10pm. We will be doing a make and take along with it. We will be making some simple gift tags from the Snow Angels cartridge. While I was making some tags I also thought hmmmm...... a gift box to put them in. I used the TBBM matchbox and colored it with the Snow Angels cart to make them match, a 3-d pointsettia on top and Viola! Quick, simple and practical from the Imagine.

See you there!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Black Friday at ACMoore

Hi I saw the ad yesterday and wanted to pass info on.

199 for the expression bundle includes 4 cartridges and 1 pack of 7 inks
34.99 for all regular cricut carts
19.99 for all the seasonal carts
9.99 for some selected spellbinders dies
and some special coupons for early birds

they open at 5am I know our store has many of these expressions, but hurry the price goes up at noon!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Here is the cards I have been wanting to make. All pieces were cut with the Imagine. This will go even better once the Gypsy can cut with color.
The baby frame I made made as a store display. We used a scrap piece of mat and it was great. I took the mat home and adjusted the color and paper pattern backround to work together. It came out pretty good I think.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I took the plunge and did the Gypsy and Imagine update.....

Ok if you have followed along when I first got my first Imagine machine I did the update and it blew my mother board. So they sent me a new one and I have been petrified to do the update on it. So Chris from provo announced this morning it was safe to go in the water. I did and I have to say YIPEEEEEEE! I finally get to make the card I have wanted to make since I got the machine. And now she is fully compatable with my Gypsy. Life is Great right now. I will be crafting all night to see just what this baby can do.

Monday, November 1, 2010

December Class Schedule

Wow its already closing in on the holidays. That really hit me when I was making holiday projects for December classes

December 11, 2010 9:30-12:30 3-d Star table top card *Just Added* December 18 6-9 pm
December 11, 2010 1:30-4:30 Holiday post it holders
December 11, 2010 6-8pm Gypsy Basics for all you new gypsy owners
December 18, 2010 9:30-12:30 Holiday Cards
December 18, 2010 1:30-4:30 Winter cards
December 18, 2010 6-8 Gypsy advanced class **Cancelled**

I do hope to squeeze in an Imagine class sometime in December. She is a very cool machine!

see store for project samples and class availability